We are a Publishing company of educational books, novels and school magazines. following are our the products that we have published.
1. Best Approach to Mathematics (Primary series set Gr1-7)
2. Best Approach to Social Studies (Primary series set Gr1-7)
3. Best Approach to RME (Primary series set Gr1-7)
4. Best Approach to Home Economics (Primary series set Gr1-7)
5. Pass Your Grade 7 English (Revision textbook)
6. Pass Your Grade 7 English (Teacher's Answer Book)
7. Pass Your Grade 7 Maths (Revision textbook)
8. Pass Your Grade 7 Maths (Teacher's Answer Book)
9. Pass Your Grade Seven Shona (Revision textbook)
10. Pass Your Grade 7 Shona (Teacher's Answer Book)
11. Pass Your Grade 7 General Paper (Revision textbook)
12. Pass Your Grade 7 General Paper (Teacher's Answer Book)
13. Pass your Grade 7 Ndebele (Revision textbook)
14. Pass your Grade 7 Ndebele (Teacher's Answer)
15. Total O' Level History Bk3 (History textbook on Southern Africa)
16. Total O' Level History Bk4 (History textbook on World Affairs)
17. Total A' Level Physical Geography (Geography textbook)
18. Total A' Level Human and Economic Geography textbook - October 2011
19. Total History Junior Level Book 1 - June 2011
20. Total History Junior Level Book 2 - June 2011
General Books
1. Chemera Mudundundu - A brilliant Shona novel by one of the best local writers Aaron Chiundura Moyo, which has been selected as an “Aâ€-Level Shona syllabus set-book, and was also nominated and came 2nd at the NAMA Awards.
2. Pane Nyaya - A short and sharp play based on the issue of juvenile delinquency. It is a play every parent and teacher would prescribe especially with the current HIV/AIDS pandemic in our midst.
3. Shaurai - Shona anthology project by the late R.H. Chakamba and various poets. A must read for those who appreciate Shona poetry.
4. Mavhunze Parurimi - Investigative novel
5. Tudikidiki - Short Story compilation.
6. Kutongwa KwaNehanda - Drama
7. The Offshoot - Novel B. Mazhindu and R Magosvongwe
8. Hunting in Foreign Lands - Prof Moyana etal
9. Alvord Mabena: The Man and his Roots - A biography by Pathisa Nyathi which is being used in libraries as reference on Ndebele history.
10. Free Methodist and Other Missions in Zimbabwe - A reference book on the missionary work in Zimbabwe in the 1960s. The author of this book is Tillman Houser who is based in the USA.
11. Cultural Shock - A reference book by DR. Christopher E Jamo, covering orientation for people especially students leaving the country for studies overseas.
12. Kapitau & the Magic Whistle - A children’s reader which forms the basis of a wider series to follow by Agrena Mushonga.
13. You & Your Maid - A unique title which dwells on a very topical subject in many homes today, written by a human resources consultant Tendai Lillian Madzima.
14. FIFA 2010 Africa Roars! A very interesting and useful coffee table-like book analysing and presenting facts and arguments about African soccer and in particular the chances of Africa lifting the 2010 world cup.
15. Shaurai
16. Bhanan'ana
In the magazines and newsletters category, Priority Projects publish the following:
Peterhouse Magazine- Official magazine of the Peterhouse College comprising of Peterhouse Boys, Peterhouse Girls and Springvale Preparatory School.
Ruzawi Primary School.