Since 2000, New Life Wellness Center's mission is to help as many people as possible improve their health through detoxification and nutritional support. We offers the best highly personalized approach to healthcare. We support people through partnerships and education to ensure your detoxification program success. Our health is a blessing and should not be taken for granted. NLWC is honored to be your choice for detoxification and wellness.
Our peaceful relaxing environment will renew your energy, rejuvenate your body and recharge your spirit.
NLWC is 100% referral based and abides by the simple practices of all small businesses. You will be treated exceptionally and hope that you become a raving fan of our brand. We are dedicated to making each visit the highlight of your day. Enter our center with the confidence that whatever your health challenges or anxieties are, you will be met with smiling faces. Our staff is gracious and has an earnest desire to help you begin a Detox Program that works for you. You will gain a better understanding of natural indicators of illness in the body and how to improve your overall health. The synergy of our 4 phase detoxification program is designed to to increase energy, restores good health and improves vitality.