Tacoma Junk Service

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Last time updated: 2/27/23, 2:33 AM
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junk removal service

Seattle Junk is your local junk removal service in Seattle, WA. If you have things cluttering up your home, it’s time to give us a call to get rid of it for you. We have a team of experienced movers who can safely move the stuff you no longer won’t on your property, to wherever you would like.
Our movers are strong and reliable. They have experience disposing of things that are illegal to simply toss in the closest dumpster, such as tires and electrical equipment. ?Even though you can no longer find a need for the stuff that you consider junk, someone else maybe able to benefit from it. There are agencies that we would be happy to contribute your things to, if you would like. It is our job to make sure that we remove all of your unwanted items in a timely manner and correctly dispose of it. Call us today and we’ll quickly get rid of your unwanted items

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