Lifeline Physical Therapy and Pulmonary Rehab - Forest Hills

Last time updated: 3/5/23, 12:36 AM
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Physical therapist

Offering cardiac therapy, Lifeline Physical Therapy and Pulmonary Rehab - Forest Hills can help you heal and recover following a cardiac episode. If you've had a heart attack, bypass surgery, valve repair, or other cardiac procedures, our team can create a treatment plan. Work with our dietitian and physical therapist for coordinated care. Visit

Frequently Asked Questions
What are Lifeline Physical Therapy and Pulmonary Rehab - Forest Hills specialties?
Physical therapist.
What brands does Lifeline Physical Therapy and Pulmonary Rehab - Forest Hills work with?
Physical therapist.
What are Lifeline Physical Therapy and Pulmonary Rehab - Forest Hills main products?
Physical therapist.
What are Lifeline Physical Therapy and Pulmonary Rehab - Forest Hills main services?
Physical therapist.
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