River Road Veterinary Clinic
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445 US-5 | Norwich, VT, 05055
Last time updated: 2/19/23, 7:22 AM
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River Road Veterinary Clinic services the upper valley region including the towns of Norwich, Hanover, Thetford, Lyme, Hartford and beyond. Our goal at River Road Veterinary Clinic is to provide consistent, quality medicine and surgery for large and small animals. Our professional team provides a clean, friendly environment with a special emphasis on compassionate care and understanding.

We are a team of professionals dedicated to the health and life management of your animals. Like you, our pets are an integral part of our family and have the right to expect the best medical and alternative care possible. We strive to share this philosophy with you in our actions and services.

We are intensely cognizant of our impact on the creatures and people around us, and of the environments we affect. We are committed to individually treating our clients with the respect and consideration they deserve; regardless of whether they are human clients, or the animal variety.

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