Certego Jyväskylä

uusimmat yritykset

Fox Eye Vision CCTV & Security Solutions

At Fox Eye Vision Security Cameras, we specialise in providing top-notch security camera services tailored to meet the unique needs of both residential and commercial clients. Our comprehensive solutions include expert installation, maintenance, and monitoring of state-of-the-art security camera systems. Whether you need indoor or outdoor surveillance, our range of…

Pierre Dorsainvil, MD

Dr. Pierre Dorsainvil is the Medical Director at AHF Healthcare Center in Delray Beach, with a rich history in HIV medicine dating back to his participation in initial drug trials during residency. With over 16 years of experience, his commitment extends beyond clinical practice to humanitarian efforts through the Dorsainvil…

Stacy Greene, MD

Dr. Stacy Greene, Medical Director at AHF Healthcare Center in New Orleans, blends advanced medical treatment with educational outreach to combat HIV effectively. With 17 years in the field and certifications in internal medicine and infectious diseases, Dr. Greene is dedicated to addressing HIV in underserved communities. His approach combines…

Mark Brown, NP

Mark Brown, MSN, APRN, AGNP-C, provides specialized care at AHF Healthcare Centers in Hollywood and El Monte, with a keen focus on the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly in transgender care and STI prevention. With a fresh perspective from his recent training and certification in HIV/AIDS at Duke University, Mark is passionate…


DevelUpLeaders Life Coach provides personalized coaching services aimed at empowering individuals to reach their full potential. Specializing in leadership development, career advancement, and personal growth, they offer tailored strategies and support to help clients overcome challenges and achieve their goals. With a focus on motivation and actionable insights, DevelUpLeaders fosters…

Ray Rothwell, Realtor, GRI - Century 21 The Hills Realty

Ray has a rich history in Real Estate. He has developed property, built many homes, commercial buildings and sold properties. He loves working with people and sincerely wants to help his customers find the perfect home for them.

Jay's Mobile Mechanic R G V

Jay's Mobile Mechanic RGV is your trusted mobile auto repair service in the Rio Grande Valley. We bring expert automotive care directly to your doorstep, offering convenience and reliability. From routine maintenance to complex repairs, count on Jay's Mobile Mechanic RGV for top-notch service and peace of mind on the…

Kendrix Wesley Photography

Kendrix Wesley Photography offers professional photography services, capturing life's moments with creativity and precision. Specializing in portraits, events, and commercial photography, Kendrix Wesley creates stunning, high-quality images tailored to each client's vision. Known for a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Kendrix Wesley Photography delivers exceptional results…

Texan TV Mounting

Texan TV Mounting specializes in professional TV mounting and installation services. They provide secure and aesthetically pleasing setups for homes and businesses, ensuring optimal viewing angles and cable management. With a commitment to precision and customer satisfaction, Texan TV Mounting delivers high-quality installations tailored to each client's specific needs.

LDR Enterprises

LDR Enterprises Transportation Service offers reliable and efficient transportation solutions for businesses and individuals. Specializing in freight and logistics, they provide a range of services including long-haul trucking, local deliveries, and specialized transport. With a focus on punctuality, safety, and customer satisfaction, LDR Enterprises ensures smooth and dependable transport experiences.
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Certego Jyväskylä
Vapaaherrantie 2, 40100 Jyväskylä | Jyväskylä

Lisätietoja Certego Jyväskylä

Flexim Security Oy on valtakunnallinen turvallisuustekniikkaan, työajanseurantaan, lukitukseen ja oviautomatiikkaan erikoistunut yritys. Meiltä kaikki ratkaisut oviympäristöön. Myös integroidut turvallisuusjärjestelmät.Soveltuvuusalue on pienestä liikehuoneistosta tai asunnosta alkaen monikansallisiin yrityksiin.Flexim Securityn turvallisuuden ammattilaiset palvelevat asiakkaitamme valtakunnallisesti.Toimipisteemme ja myymälämme sijaitsevat pääkaupunkiseudulla sekä Turun, Porin, Jyväskylän, Seinäjoen, Kuopion, Lahden, Lappeenrannan, Oulun ja Tampereen talousalueilla.

Certego Jyväskylä Jyväskylä osoite ja puhelinnumero

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Viimeisin päivitys: 2017-04-26 11:56:39

Certego Jyväskylä lisätietoja

Certego Jyväskylä luokat

Certego Jyväskylä etuyhteydessä

Raahen Turvallisuus-Vartiointi Ky

Raahen Turvallisuus-Vartiointi Ky on turvannut Raahen seudun yritysten ja kotitalouksien omaisuutta...

TJTP Turvallisuus Oy

TJTP Turvallisuus Oy on Päijät-Hämeen ja Kymenlaakson alueilla toimiva Verisure Securitas Direct...

Varsinais-Suomen Teletekniikka Ky

Tarjoamme hälytysjärjestelmät ja valvontajärjestelmät. Pidämme huolen, että laitteemme ovat...

Orimattilan Vartiointikeskus Oy

Orimattilan Vartiointikeskus Oy on Orimattilassa ja sen lähiseuduilla toimiva vartiointialan...

Suojalaite Oy

Suojalaite Oy on vuonna 1958 perustettu työturvallisuuteen ja henkilönsuojaimiin erikoistunut...

Kuopion Vartiointipalvelu Oy

Kuopion Vartiointipalvelu Oy on vuonna 1993 perustettu turva-alan asiantuntijaliike, jonka...

AM Security Oy | Helsinki

AM Security Oy on kotimainen turvaurakoitsija, jonka vahva kokemus, ammattitaito sekä...

AM Security Oy | Rauma

AM Security Oy on kotimainen turvaurakoitsija, jonka vahva kokemus, ammattitaito sekä...

AM Security Oy | Turku

AM Security Oy on kotimainen turvaurakoitsija, jonka vahva kokemus, ammattitaito sekä...

AM Security Oy | Nokia

AM Security Oy on kotimainen turvaurakoitsija, jonka vahva kokemus, ammattitaito sekä...

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