ACT Cabs | Taxi Service in Canberra
Book your Taxi Now -
ACT Cabs is the local taxi service in Canberra. Everyday, ACT Cabs taxis transport over one thousand members of the Canberran community and take them to wherever they need to go.
Customers can book a taxi in Canberra by using the following options:
Book a taxi online
Book a cab by calling the 24 hour call centre
Book a taxi by using the ACT Cabs mobile app
The Canberra taxi service provides 24/7 cost effective, safe and reliable taxi transport services in Canberra.
The majority of the vehicles are 5-star green rated vehicles and ACT Cabs aim to create the best possible experience for their customers.
Instant bookings and pre-bookings are available by calling the taxi booking phone line.
A taxi fare estimator, and more information is available on the ACT Cabs website.
Taxis to Canberra Airport are available 24 hours a day. Customers can make an instant booking or book in advance.
Taxi Driver Careers:
If you are interested in obtaining a taxi driver license, or would like more information then Visit ACT Cabs Administration Office during business hours at 5B-6B/52 Wollongong street Fyshwick, ACT, 2609. ACT Cabs Administration office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.