Home Instead Senior Care
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Unit 3 - 110 Rimu Rd Paraparaumu Kapiti | Wellington
+64 49044288
Last time updated: 2/14/23, 1:44 PM
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Home Instead Senior Care provides non medical services for people in their own homes. Whether you are looking for only a few hours a week or for 24 hrs per day, a CareGiver is available for you. Our responsive staff are available on call to quickly accomodate your request for service.All of our CareGivers complete a thorough and multi-phased training programme that helps them become extraodinary CareGivers.We personally introduce you to CareGivers who are:- Thoroughly screened- Trained and Insured- Matched to your preferences- Reliable and DependableLet us help you live the life you want. Contact our team today for a free, no obligation consultation.

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