Our life-changing weight loss coaching process based in Oakville, ON serves the local Burlington and Mississauga areas and is also delivered by phone and Skype/Facetime across Canada, USA and around the world. Our weight loss coach will guide you through a spiritual weight loss journey and help you to lose weight by addressing the root causes standing in your way. This one year journey of consciousness is the most comprehensive weight loss coaching process available in Canada and the USA. Step by progressive step, our online weight loss coach will provide you with deep wisdom and practical guidance to bridge that huge gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it. If you have compulsive, addictive and/or binge behaviours around food, these are the symptoms not the problem. These are coping mechanisms – not a moral failing. Self-awareness is the key to taking yourself off autopilot, growing yourself up and fully owning your life.
If you are a woman trying to follow a man’s approach to weight loss, this is the stumbling block, not you. Women typically need to understand the “why” first to give themselves the clarity to act. This is weight loss from the feminine perspective. Reveal your pesronal path to permanent weight loss. Contact us for your FREE inquiry session at 905-257-3543.