Last time updated: 2/9/23, 3:04 PM
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D&D Miniatures

Purveyors of the finest fantasy tabletop gaming, role playing miniatures, books and accessories. Whether it be mainstream settings like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Reaper, Spellcrow or newer niches like Rangers of Shadow Deep and Krakenships, we stock a wide variety of pre-painted and unpainted miniature lines to suit many fantasy genres and worlds. Additionally, when it comes to accessories, we’ve got you covered. Assorted RPG D&D dice sets, including exotic and metal dice, dice bags, eRaptor dice towers, All Rolled Up dice trays, dice potion sets – we’ve got a whole lot of dice stuff! But wait, there’s more. We’ve got Dungeon Master Screens, battle mats, combat tiers, terrain, paints, hobby tools and green stuff putty.
In short, we’re an online Australian fantasy miniature superstore. Other stores aren’t specialists – jacks of all trades, masters of none. But we are dedicated exclusively to fantasy, bringing that niche specialisation to everything we do. If you can’t find the right miniature or accessory at our store to suit your specific fantasy campaign, we’re on it, stocking as many varieties and lines as we can to empower you, the customer, with the most precious thing we all have – choice. So, if you’re in Australia, and play D&D, roll initiative and come check out what we have to offer at Miniature Hub.

Frequently Asked Questions
What payment methods are accepted?
The payments methods accepted are Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Afterpay
When was Miniature Hub founded?
Miniature Hub was founded in 2018.
Which days is Miniature Hub open?
Open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
What are Miniature Hub main services?
Reaper Miniatures.
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